This New Study Conducted in UK Suggests Health Benefits of Black Tea

Tea is the most popular beverage in the world after water. Tea is a way of life in UK. Following Portuguese princess Catherine’s introduction of tea in 1660 AD, this wonderful beverage eventually became the nation’s favorite. Ultimately, tea had the honour of being the national beverage in England. With no doubt, tea provided the refreshment, stimulation, relaxation and good health for Brits to build up a massive empire. A new study conducted in UK found that people who drank two or more cups of tea everyday had a 9% to 13% lower risk of death from any cause than people who did not drink tea. Dr. Maki Inoue-Choi, Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, National Cancer Institute led the study.

Higher tea consumption was also associated with a lower risk of death from cardiovascular disease, ischemic heart disease, and stroke. The association was seen regardless of preferred tea temperature, the addition of milk or sugar, and genetic variations affecting the rate at which people metabolize caffeine. 

The findings, which appear Aug. 30, 2022, in the Annals of Internal Medicine, suggest that black tea, even at higher levels of intake, can be part of a healthy diet, the researchers wrote.

The study involved 498,043 men and women between ages 40 and 69 who participated in a large cohort study called UK Biobank. The participants were followed for about 11 years, and death information came from a linked database from the UK National Health Service.

Tea is a rich source of antioxidants which are polyphenols in nature. Catechins are the main form of poly-phenols present in tea green leaves. During Black tea processing, these catechins are converted naturally in to theaflavins (A Poly-phenol) and a part of theaflavins (A Poly-phenol) are further oxidized in to Thearubigins. Poly-phenol oxidase (PPO) is the enzyme responsible for this reaction. This reaction initiates once the leaf is twisted or broken at rolling process. You must have observed the colour change of apple (In to a brown colour) once it cuts in to pieces and keep for a while. Yes, this is the same reaction.

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