Black, Oolong, Green and White Tea: What’s the Difference? (video)

Tea is the second most popular beverage in the world after water. All Black, Oolong, Green and White Teas are coming from the same plant. So what makes those tea types different even though all of them are descending from the same source ? By providing an answer, American Chemistry Society ( has released a video in order to educate consumers.

Credit: American Chemistry Society

Tea is a rich source of antioxidants which are polyphenols in nature. Catechins are the main form of poly-phenols present in tea green leaves. During Black tea processing, these catechins are converted naturally in to theaflavins (A Poly-phenol) and a part of theaflavins (A Poly-phenol) are further oxidized in to Thearubigins. Poly-phenol oxidase (PPO) is the enzyme responsible for this reaction. This reaction initiates once the leaf is twisted or broken at rolling process. You must have observed the colour change of apple (In to a brown colour) once it cuts in to pieces and keep for a while. Yes, this is the same reaction.

During Green Tea manufacture, the action of PPO is restricted by denaturing the enzyme with heat. Oolong tea is partially oxidized. White teas like Silver tips are manufactured with apical terminal bud. There is hardly any rolling for white tea. So no fermentation occurs. The white colour comes from the pubescence present under the leaf.

Most important thing is nothing added artificially during any of above tea manufacture. Therefore no matter whether it’s Black, Oolong, Green or White tea. Enjoy your humble cuppa. Cheers !

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